n.000100010100 Nothing

N a d a

Falar sobre o nada talvez não seja falta de assunto e sim falta de foco em um todo nublado, denso e conflituoso. A rapidez e a informação aliadas tornaram-se não um instrumento facilitador, mas uma tática terrorista cujos tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac, nos levam a certeza de perdas, pois não podemos reter e produzir tudo aquilo que gostaríamos nem do que almejamos.

O dia nasce inquieto, todos os dias. É hora da produção, do entregar a realização de uma vida ou ao menos de um projeto desta. Mas os hábitos (o café, os jornais, a leitura, a contemplação, a distração) sempre são relegados ao tempo mal aproveitado.

A lista só cresce. As obrigações também. E as paixões cada vez mais se deslocam para o campo da utopia, do inatingível, da vida imaginária.

Pausa. Mais uma.

Começo e recomeço.

Bom novo dia!

text: in portuguese
photo by: Felipa Lux


n.000179 Amazing Internet

Despite the view of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, 1932 (and yes, he unfortunately was correct), the present could be also colorful and cheerful. You can find beautiful poetry, unbelievable colors, stunning pictures, stunning drawings... 

Stephanie Rausser is an amazing photographer and this is a sample of her work. Check it out.



n.000 I'm back!!!

There is always a way. There is usually a deviation. But,in some point there is a return. And, there is always a new way. More globish than ever. :)...

“To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all men divine.” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

By: Felipa Lux


n.0164 Diamonds!!! What else?

Lovely, fantastic and... alive diamond.
New conception of best gilrs friend!!!

Thank you!!!
Gift from: http://babyramen.blogspot.com.br/      and 
               Paper diamond by Mini eco (via Hello I'm Tiger)        


n.006900 Ways of Love...

I really love this blog,
                      the photos,
                        these words,
                          this name: Le Love,

To Complement, the photo

Go there and see else:


n.00180 Why?

There's nothing more natural than connecting the automatic and forget where we were going.
That goes for paths, words and intentions.
We are a draft of our personal attempts.

by: Lost on Earth


n.0321 Beauty in Trash

Beauty is before you.
Open your horizon.

This photo is a crowning of beauty with the improbable.

Made by edible materials about to go to a trash can.

by: personal archive  Lost on Earth

n.7 Le Chat Noir

Vous n'avez pas besoin d'autre explication...

Cette photo est tout simplement magnifique!!!

n.0012000 Back to Chilhood from Where we Should Never have come out

Ballon Bench is an ethereal sculpture created by Satoshi Itasaka, Japanese designer from h220430 studio.

Le Ballon Rouge est absolument fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

by: http://h220430.jp/index1.htm


n.0690 Chocolate

This elaborate Montezuma's gift is a magical Antidote against depression.
The name can perfectly replace for temptation.
These beautifully packaged chocolate are made with a unique blend of raw and roasted cocoa.
The chocolate bar is available in ten different flavors which names are of Greek goddess. 

 Savor with devotion!!!